Sustainable Economic Management

Sustainable Economic Management

We, as a family-operated, medium-sized logistics company, want to lead the company to long-term success, a process in which short-term investment returns do not count, but rather long-term investments in material assets and real estate.


We place great value on our own organic growth, not on acquisitions, and finance our investments through the cash flow generated. Permanent investments in technical progress are made in respect of our fleet and plant and equipment, as well as in the latest IT, so as to meet growing client needs.


The social and corporate responsibility of the company is expressed in job security, extensive instruction and further training measures, as well as in the establishment, maintenance, and support of our own ‘RISTELHUEBER FOUNDATION’.


Together with economics, ecology holds high priority within the company, and so distinctly intermodal freight transports are maintained and the company lives in accordance with the environmental certification carried out in 2007 by instituting and abiding by the appropriate measures.